Tuesday, February 27, 2018






寶玉看著寶釵"雪白的肐膊,不覺動了羨慕之心,忽然想起'金玉'一事來,再看看寶釵形容,比黛玉另具一種嫵媚風流,不覺又呆了。"按全書寫寶與釵、黛心上溫黁,三曹對案,此節最為著明。本回上文雲兒行酒時所唱"兩個冤家,都難丟下;兩個人形容俊俏,都難描畫",不啻伏筆矣。然寶之用情,仍偏重於黛,亦如 Shelley: "Epipsychidion" 雖云:"So, ye bright regents, with alternate sway / Govern my sphere of being, night & day",而拜月 (Mary) 過於向日 (Emilia);Hugo: "Suzette et Suzon" (Toute la Lyre, "Chansons", no. 1) 雖云"J'adore Suzette, / Mais j'aime Suzon",終捨 Suzette 而守Suzon。蓋愛情中無等邊三角也。【Goethe, Dichtung und Wahrheit: "It is a very pleasant sensation when a new passion [for Maximiliana Brentano] begins to stir in us before the old one [for Lotte Kestner] has quite died away. When the sun is setting, one likes to see the moon rising on the other side & rejoices in the dual brilliance of both luminaries."】【Villon, Le Testament: "Les regrets de la belle Heaulmière": A qui que je feisse finesse, / Par m'ame, je l'amoye bien! (Though I deceived him some times, by my soul I loved him well).(又見上論第十一回。)】【Sainte-Beuve, Volupté (Amaury et 4 femmes; pour 4 son amour inassouvi pour Mme de Couaën); Flaubert, Éducation sentimentale (Frédéric se portage entre Rosanette et Mme Dambreuse avec "une 3e toujours présente a sa pensée" — Mme Arnoux; cf. Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France, Jan.-Mars, 1957, pp. 45 ff.】【Maurice Scève, Délie, no. 134: "A luy et Corps et Foy abandonna: / A moy. le Coeur, et la chaste pensée" (H. Weber, La Creation poetique, I, 169).】【F. Brady & F.A. Pottle, Boswell on the Grand Tour, Trade ed., p. 6: "My blood was inflamed by the burning climate [of Naples]... my mind has almost nothing to do with it."】【Nigel Balchin, Seen Dimly Before Dawn, p. 16: "Though vague about detail her...there, I understand the anatomical & physiological mechanisms of sex guide. I also knew a great deal about love as it appears in poetry. But one side of my information was pure anatomy & the other pure literature, & though I knew they were connected & that the physiology tended to produce the literature or vice versa, I had no idea quite why or how."】【A.E. Carter, The Idea of Decadence in Fr. Lit., 1830-1900, on Sainte-Beuve's Volupté: "a divorce between spiritual & physical love, Amaury leads a double existence between his ideal passion for the angelic Mme de Couaën & orgies with the prostitutes he picks up during his nocturnal promenades", cf. Leslie A. Marchand, Byron, vol. 1, p. 62, apropos of his calf-love of Margaret Parker; polyerotism without physical desire: "Pour en parler franchement, je crois que son mari s'est tiré d'affaire devant les hommes, mais je le tiens cocu devant Dieu" (ib., p. 420);  Rétif de la Bretonne,Monsieur Nicolas, éd. abrégée per J. Grand-Carteret, I, p. 35, on his being "polyéraste" not "monéraste"; p. 178: "Jeannette occupait le fond de mon coeur... Mme Parangon possédait mes sens, mon enthousiasme, mon goût..."】

 〇第三十一回,黛玉拍著襲人的肩笑道:"好嫂子,你告訴我",又笑道:"你說你是丫頭,我只拿你當嫂子待";護花主人評:"雖是謔詞,已發襲人之隱";大某山民評:"黛玉稱襲人以'好嫂子'者,因知端委,姑為惡謔,並不是醋。蓋各有身份,若施及卑人,則不成為黛玉矣。"三十七回晴雯亦曰:"你們別和我裝神弄鬼的,什麼事我不知道!"亦發襲人此隱。大某評語,殊有理致,惜僅著眼於名分耳(第八十二回襲人論妾或"傍邊人"云:"想來都是一個人,不過名分裏頭差些")。肌膚之親,不足釀醋。舊日大婦之于妾媵,宜具大度雅量。王百穀《南有堂诗集》卷一《悼亡》第三首云:"豈無佳人,惟汝不妬";彭甘亭《小謨觴館詩續集》卷二《悼亡》第十首云:"禪心自嬾花叢顧,世眼寃將柳氏猜",皆道此而著語令人笑來者也。至於傍淫他色,亦或判身與心為二根,歧情與欲為兩塗,以桑中之喜,兼柳下之貞,若不有其躬而可仍鍾斯愛,形跡浮蕩而衷情貞固者。《板橋雜記》"李十娘"條:"易名貞美,刻一印章。余戲之曰:'美則有之,貞則未也。'十娘泣曰:'君知兒者,何出此言?苛兒心之所好,雖相莊如賓,情與之合也;非兒心之所好,雖勉同枕席,不與之合也。兒之不貞,命也!如何?'"即其例也。【《華陽散稿》卷上《記馬授疇》:"妓泣曰:'有憐我以欲者,無憐我以情者,況以義憐我乎!'"】馬牛之風無它,媾合而已矣。男女之私,則媾合之外,有婚姻焉,有情愛焉。禽簡而一,人繁而三。Stendhal 復從而分情愛為四 (l'amour-passion, l'amour-goût, l'amour-physique, l'amour de vanité — De l'Amour, Liv. I, ch. 1, Éd "Le Divan", I, pp. 27-9),歧中又歧。重以愛慾常蘊殺機,婚媾每行市道,參伍而合離之,人世遂多燕女濫竊之局,文家不乏歌泣笑罵之資。參觀天笑鈔錄《龔定盫集外未刻詩‧驛鼓》(三首皆寄婦之作)第二首前半云:"釵滿高樓燈滿城,風花未免態縱橫。長途借此銷英氣,側調安能犯正聲。"【今釋澹歸《徧行堂集》卷七《李因培真贊》:"士人有一妻一妾,分日當夕,然少艾多偏矣,一夕與其妻宿,妻有怨言,士曰:'我身在他那裏,心却在你這裏。'妻曰:'我讓你的心與他那裏,只要你的身與我這裏。'】【屠隆《鴻苞集》卷一張應文《鴻苞居士傳》記其臨歿作《辭世詞》:"頗有身欲,實無心垢。"】Lord John Hervey, Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, ed. R. Sedgwick, Penguin Books, 1984, p. 514: "In Queen Caroline's last illness, King George II sobbed with grief. Gazing up at him from her pillow, she urged him to take another wife after her death. While in the midst of this passion, wiping his eyes & sobbing between every word, with much ado he got out the answer 'Non, j'aurai des maîtresses.' To which the queen made no other reply than 'Ah! mon Dieu! cela n'empêche pas!'"; H. J. Hunt, Honoré de Balzac, p. 132: "Could she [Mme Hanska] really have meant it when in 1835 she had given him carte blanche for the indulgence of his physical cravings on condition that he formed no spiritual attachment with other women? 'N'ayez aucun attachement. — Je ne veux que votre constance et votre coeur' (Lettres à l'Étrangère, ed. M. Bouteron, II, pp. 14-5). A letter of August 1846 shows that she actually suggested recourse to prostitutes to satisfy his needs (ibid., III, p. 363)."【Cf. E. Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, ch. 4, Catherine: "You won't do our things with another girl, or say the same things, will you?" "Never." "I want you to have girls, though."】其見於詩歌小說之犖犖大者:Shakespeare, A Lover's Complaint: "All my offences that abroad you see[1] / Are errors of the blood, none of the mind. / Love made them not" (The Complete Works, ed. G.L. Kittredge, p. 1522); Matthew Prior, "A Better Answer": "And they have my whimsies, but thou hast my heart. //... / So when I am wearied with wandering all day, / To thee, my delight, in the evening I come: / No matter what beauties I saw in my way; / They were but my visits, but thou art my home." (The Literary Works, ed. H.B. Wright & M.K. Spears, p.451); Tom Jones, Bk. XIII, ch. 11 ("Everyman's Library" ed., II, p. 191): "But yet you [Sophia] do me [Tom] the justice to think that my heart was never unfaithful to you. That had no share in the folly I was guilty of; it was even then unalterably yours"; Bk. XVIII, ch. 12 (p. 405): "The delicacy of your sex cannot conceive the grossness of ours, nor how little one sort of amour has to do with the heart." 餘不覼縷。E. Dawson: "Non Sum Qualis Eram": "I have been faithful to you Cynara! in my fashion" 一語可以概括。Abelard 與 Heloise 書函集第二函出 Heloise 手,謂妻之名雖正,而己寧蒙外婦以至妾或妓之目(Et si uxoris nomen sanctius ac validius videtur, dulcius mihi semper exstitit amicae vocabulum; aut si non indigneris, concubinae vel scorti)。一語中包舉男女正側、內外、久暫種種名分,有足與吾國舊俗相印證者,故拈而出之。又參觀前論第十一回兼及二十八回語。【Livy, I. 58; Il Decameron, III. 8; La Mandragola, III. xi; The Rape of Lucrece, 1653-9,第七三三則論。】【Stendhal, De l'Amour, Liv. I, ch. 37: "Je dirais aux pauvres femmes malheureuses par jalousie: 'Il y a une grande distance entre l'infidélité chez les hommes et chez vous... Une mauvaise habitude en fait comme une nécessité aux hommes...' La différence de l'infidélité dans les deux sexes est si réelle, qu'une renne passionnée peut pardonner une infidélité, ce qui est impossible à un homme"[2] (Éd "Le Divan", I, pp. 191-2).】【St-Évremond on the characteristic of les Précieuses: "c'est à aimer tendrement leurs amants sans jouissance, et à joüir solidement de leurs maris avec aversion"[3] (Le Métier d'Écrivain, p. 419); Bussy-Rabutin on Mme de Sévigné.】【Roy Pascal, Design & Truth in Autobiography, pp. 53-4: "Those great autobiographies transformed the psyche, e.g. the recognition that allegedly the exclusive feelings can coexist simultaneously. (Rousseau can have an affair with a charming fellow traveler to Montpellier without feeling that this love was in any way a betrayal of his affection for Mme de Warens, see Conf., VI.) Poets like Catullus & Tibullus have recorded simultaneous love-affairs, & Ronsard was even perplexed by his simultaneous love for two girls. Richardson's Grandison too is 'perplexed by what some would call... a double love.' In the autobiography the problem becomes more insistent. Restif de la Bretonne dwells on the problem. It is not the sudden transition of love from one person to another, like Romeo's switch from Rosalind to Juliet, nor the existence of different types of love, e.g. an idealistic & a sensual."】【Il Decameron, X. 5: "Dove altramenti non si potesse, per questa volta il corpo, ma non l'animo, gli concedi" (p. 619).】【Helvétius, De l'Esprit: à côté, l'amour volupté, il a décrit l'amour passion, dont l'essence est de n'être jamais heureux... il est la complication sociale de l'Amour volupté. (H. Delacroix, La psychologie de Stendhal, pp. 45-6); D.H. Lawrence, "The Novel": "Why didn't Dante & Petrarch chant in chorus: 'My old girl's got several babies that are mine, / But thou be my spiritual concubine'" (Sex, Literature and Censorship, ed. Harry T. Moore, p. 74).】【Boswell, The Ominous Years, ed. C. Ryskamp & F.A. Pottle, pp. 81 ff on "concubinage" ("Suppose a man is too many for one woman"); p. 287: "Johnson agreed with me that a man may be in love with several women at a time."】

 〇第四十回黛玉道:"我最不喜歡李義山的詩,只喜他這一句:'留得殘荷聽雨聲。'"按黛玉詩識如此,宜自運之纖薄無韻味也。義山《十一月中旬至扶風界見梅花》云[4]:"素娥唯與月,青女不饒霜";紀曉嵐評點《瀛奎律髓》卷二十說之曰:"上句謂好之者徒託空言,下句謂惡之者能為實害。"此非黛玉在舅舅家之處境乎?史太君等,素娥也;襲人輩,青女也。惜此豸讀《玉溪集》時,輕心易念,不能解會。【白香山《東南行一百韻》:"日近恩雖重,雲高勢却孤";杜牧之《與池州李使君書》:"怒僕者足以裂僕之腸,折僕之脛;知僕者不能持一飯與僕。"】【Lord Chesterfield, Letters, ed. B. Dobrée, V, p. 2002: "At court, many more people can hurt, than can help you"; Mme du Deffand on her friends: "ceux par qui on n'a pas [à] craindre d'être assassin, mais qui laisseraient faire les assassins" (Montesquieu quoted in C.B. Tinker, The Salon & English Letters, p. 62).】且第三十七回史湘雲《白海棠和韻》云:"自是霜娥偏愛冷,非關青女欲離魂。"撏撦義山,妄加改竄,易"素"以"霜"已屬不詞,"倩女"離魂,未聞"青女",更為疵累。【唐彥謙《紅葉》:"素娥前夕月,青女夜來霜。"】第六十二回香菱引義山"寶釵無日不生塵"一句,則數典而已,非論詩也。




 〇第六十五回賈璉論尤三姐云:"就是塊肥羊肉,無奈燙的慌;玫瑰花兒可愛,刺多扎手。"按同回興兒論探春云:"三姑娘的混名兒叫'玫瑰花兒':又紅又香,無人不愛,只是有刺扎手。"若據名學類推之法,望文演繹,則三姐為玫瑰花,三姑娘亦為玫瑰花,三姐與三姑娘類聚氣求,遂成一流人物,顧於事則大謬不然。《吕氏春秋‧察傳篇》云:"得言不可以不察,數傳而白為黑,黑為白。故狗似玃,玃似母猴,母猴似人,人之與狗則遠矣。"雖喻轉輾流傳,漸失本意,亦可借取以譬也。Raymond Bayer, Traité de l'Esthétique, p. 50: "Toutes les lois de la sensibilité sont les principes d'une logique de l'analogie opposée à la logique fermée de l'identité comme le contour strict du syllogisme des probabilités." 立言之途有二:曰美、曰信(參觀第七二八論誤以用典為紀事),然往往心異而貌同。Max Black 論 "Emotive vs. referential use of language" 云:"One might as well argue that in a portrait of Hamlet the paint cannot be used in the same way as in a portrait of Stalin. Yet both persons, real or imaginary, are presented in a similar way; the difference of response is induced by our knowledge that one of the two is not intended to be taken as really existing"[9] (Language & Philosophy, p. 207),所以貴知言也。舉此一例,可以反三(參觀第七九四則論李長吉《惱公》詩"歌聲春草露"句)。



 "風箏隨風去了。眾人都說:'林姑娘的病根兒都放了去了。'"按參觀 David Copperfield, Ch. 15: "I used to fancy, as I sat by him [Mr Dick] of an evening, on a green slope, & saw him watch the kite high in the quiet air, that it lifted his mind out of his confusion, & bore it (such was my boyish thought) into the skies"。

 〇第八十一回賈代儒道:"詩詞一道,不是學不得的,只要發達了以後,再學還不遲呢。"按《水田居詩筏》引諺所謂"進士好吟詩"是也。詳見第七○二則論舉業與學業引袁伯修、董其昌、黎媿曾、鄭梁、汪懋麟、章學誠等語、《照世盃》第一種[10] 、《儒林外史》,第七一九則論《全金詩》卷四十二郝天挺。

 〇第八十二回寶玉講"吾未見好德如好色者也"云:"德乃天理,色是人慾,人那裏肯把天理好的像人慾似的?孔子雖是歎息的話,又是望人回轉來的意思。並且見得人就有好德的,好的終是浮淺,直要像色一樣的好起來,那纔是真好呢。"按此為孔子洞達人情之精語,寶玉所詮,與《王文成公全書》卷五《與黃勉之第二書》、《黃嬭餘話》卷八全同。《論語‧學而章》:"子夏曰:'賢賢易色'";《廣雅‧釋言》:"易,如也",王念孫《疏證》引子夏語,謂即"好德如好色"也。《禮記‧坊記》:"民猶以色厚於德。子云:'好德如好色。'"《大學‧釋誠意》:"如好好色。"《祭義》:"親之所愛,如欲色然";康成注云:"以時人於色厚,假以喻之";沖遠《正義》云:"思念親之所愛之甚,如似凡人貪慾女色然也";王肅解:"欲色,如欲見父母之顏色。鄭何得比父母於女色";馬昭申云:"孔子曰'吾未見好德如好色'者,如此,亦比色於德";張融:"亦如好色,取其甚也,於文無妨。"《日知錄》卷六亦引《正義》而曰:"能以慕少艾之心而慕父母,則其誠無以加矣。"則鄭、孔註、疏已發此旨矣。詳見第七○三則論 San Juan de la Cruz: "Llama de amor viva"。


 〇第八十七回妙玉"獨自一個憑欄站了一回,忽聽房上兩個貓兒一遞一聲廝叫。那妙玉忽想起日間寶玉之言,不覺心跳耳熱。"按《揚州畫舫錄》卷十六法淨寺僧平山《詠貓》云[11] :"春叫貓兒貓叫春,看他越叫越精神。老僧也有貓兒意,爭敢人前叫一聲?"《雲自在龕隨筆》卷四則謂此乃牛山詩。



 〇第一百二十回襲人嫁城南蔣家一節。按與第九十七回黛玉焚稿一節,皆蘭墅續書中最警策之文。黛玉焚稿,寫厭生者之心堅意決。身亡命絕,而亦求聲名俱滅,神理不存。斬葛斷藤,燒灰揚燼。王彥章曰:"豹死留皮,人死留名。"耽詞章者,臨歿而摧燒生平吟咏,則皮之不存,才魄妖魂離散浮沉。【《儒林外史》20 回牛布衣臨歿以兩本詩交老和尚:"替我流傳,死也瞑目!"Virgil 臨沒而欲焚 Aeneid 稿 (igitur in extrema valetudine assidue scrinia desideravit, crematurus ipse — Suetonius, De Poetis, "Vita Vergili", Suetonius, "Loeb", II, p. 478)[12] ,則"良工不示人以璞",出於矜惜其名。】借但丁語,謂之一死而兼"第二死"(la seconda morte — Inferno, I. 117)[13] 可也。襲人嫁夫,寫忍死者之意轉心回。委蛇迤邐,情逐事遷,由忍死而不忍死,漸易初衷,仍萌故態。使四十回中更多此類筆墨,則曹規高隨,庶乎可爾。

[1] 此句原作"All my errors that abroad you"。

[2] "homme"原作"femme"。

[3] "If you want to know wherein lies the highest merit for the précieuses, it is in loving their lovers without sensuous pleasure, and in deriving solid satisfaction from their husbands with aversion" (Quentin Manning Hope, Saint-Evremond and His Friends, Genève: Librairie Droz, 1999,  p. 142).

[4] 原文脫落"風"字。

[5] 原文脫落"物"字。

[6] "四十八"原作"四十四"。

[7] 《宋詩選註》:"例如他的《重九日行營壽藏之地》說:'縱有千年鐵門限,終須一個土饅頭';這兩句曾為《紅樓夢》第六十三回稱引的詩就是搬運王梵志的兩首詩而作成的,而且'鐵門限'那首詩經陳師道和曹組分別在詩詞裡採用過,'土饅頭'那首詩經黃庭堅稱讚過。"

[8] 指俞平伯《讀紅樓夢隨筆》《陸游詩與范成大詩》一節。

[9] 原文脫落"way"字。

[10] 《七松園弄假成真》:"原來有意思的才人,再不肯留心舉業。那知天公賦他的才分寧有多少,若將一分才用在詩上,舉業內便少了一分精神。"

[11] "淨"原作"靜"。

[12] "Therefore in his mortal illness Vergil constantly called for his book-boxes, intending to burn the poem himself."

[13] 黃國彬譯但丁《神曲‧地獄篇》第一章:"第二次死亡"。

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  语文学与世界文学[1] 作者 | 埃里希·奥尔巴赫(Erich Auerbach) 译者 | 靳成诚(比较所博士生) Nonnulla pars inventionis est nosse quid quaeras.[2] 一 如果我们依然像歌德所做的那样,将“世界文学”...